As seen in: Nantucket Sleighride #
Renaissance Faire season coincides with whaling season, which means most people do not know about the Nantucket-Canterbury Medieval Faire. But several people do.
The year is King Arthur Times. We stick to the facts at the Faire. The facts are limited. The knights are noble, the girls are missing from the historical record, and the Crusades are fine. We provide an authentic character experience at the Faire. You can choose to be a princess or a pirate, sure, but ten to thirty percent of you will choose to be Roman slaves.
And me? Ah. My old character the prostitute Gwynnett died by suicide at the end of last year’s Faire. Some of you are nodding - you remember? My new character, Parsley, is a fire sprite. Her class is Paladin, her shoe size is mens twelve, and she can shapeshift into a rope ladder.
You can find your calling at the Faire. If your calling might be standing in a pair of wooden stocks as people throw tomatoes at you, please raise your hand and step out of line. We also have an unforeseen vacancy in the fortune-teller position.
The Faire is full of can’t-miss events like the Royal Joust and the Annual Slaughtering of the Horses. For up to thirty percent of you, cooking, cleaning out the oil fryers, farming, filing paperwork for the Nantucket Board of Revenue, and laundry will also be can’t-miss events.