As seen in: README #
— Hey check it out, it’s our lab's newest artificial intelligence.
— Oh. Cool.
— Ask it a question.
— Okay, one sec.
> What occurs once in a second, twice in a week, but never in a month?
— What?
— Come on, what kind of question is that?
— The answer is the letter “e”.
— Why does it keep doing that?
— It’s an AI that can successfully imitate a water buffalo.
— Okay that seems pretty useless, why would you want something like that?
— Well, it’s really good at what it does.
*snnf* *snnf*
— Look, it’s investigating it’s surroundings.
— I never said it wasn’t good at what it does. I’m just wondering why-
— We’ve conducted extensive testing and fewer than one in ten people could tell the difference between it and an actual water buffalo.
— I mean, to be fair, I couldn’t tell either.
— Exactly. I think we’re probably the first to pass an actual Turing Test with flying colors.
— A Turing Test for buffaloes.
— Yes. A Turing Test for buffaloes.
— I must admit, I don’t know if there’s anything really impressive about this.
— The impressive part was teaching the actual buffalos to use the computer terminal for the purposes of the test.
— Okay, fine, that’s pretty cool.