As seen in: Flesh & Blood #
— Hey Brenda how’s it— jesus christ dude!
— Ha ha fooled ya. Don’t I look just like her?
— You’re wearing her skin.
— Yeah I decided to go all out this year.
— Take that off. Where is Brenda?
— Relax dude she’s fine. It’s just a joke.
— I don’t get the joke.
— Isn’t there a whole saying about “Don’t judge a man until you’ve walked to moons in his skin?”
— Yeah but— wait, no pretty sure it was moccasins.
— That can’t be right.
— Yeah it’s walk two moons in his moccasins. How does that make less sense than skin?
— Oh jeez you’re right. Man, I feel pretty dumb now.
— Yeah please take off Brenda’s skin.
— Well I’m gonna leave it on for tonight since it’s my costume. But man do I feel dumb.