Jim: Hey, Dave? You know that unicorn piñata we just filled?
Dave: Mhm.
Jim: Well I think we might’ve accidentally filled it using the bee pile instead of the candy pile.
Dave: Oh, man.
Jim: Dave, did you hear me? We put bees in a piñata. Little Tina’s piñata.
Dave: At least we pulled from the dead bee pile.
Jim: No Dave. The dead bee pile is huge still. We pulled straight from the live bees.
Dave: Jim this is going to be pretty bad.
Jim: Pretty bad? This is the third time this week. What are we going to do?
Dave: I’m going to move the dead bee pile away from the licorice pile.
Jim: Nevermind that right now. We have to fix—Dave, you're getting dead bees everywhere.
Dave: Sorry. It’s just really hard to move piles.
Jim: It’s okay. Just clean the dead bees off before putting them—Jesus Dave, are you alright?
Dave: Jim I think I’ve been eating live bees all day instead of chocolate.
Jim: Dave your face is swelling terribly. Can you even breathe?
Dave: Not much, Jim. I’m scared.
Jim: Come on, Dave. Let’s get you to the hospital.
Dave: I’m really not feeling too good, Jim.
BJS ’25