As seen in: Hey You Yeah You Quit Pulling My Leg #
You have entered the chat.
You have added Sarah Brickman to the chat.
Me: Sarah
Me: !!
Me: ****Sarah!!
Me: I figured out how to text on my
Me: laptop.
Me: I downloaded this A.I
You have added “Typey The Texter Helper” to the chat
Typey: Hello, Mark.
Typey: Hello, Sarah.
Me: Hi Typo
Me:*** Typey
Me: I need help
Typey: I am here 2 help u text.
Me: Sarah, Typey is not a real person.
Me: he is artificially intelligent
Typey: That is correct, Mark! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Me: Haha, Sarah check this out.
Me: Fuck you typey!
Typey: I am fuck!
Me: hahhaahhahhaha
Me: hahahahahahaha*****
Me: typey command + tellmeajoke
Typey: Rollos and shit ¯\_(γ)_/¯
Me: whoa.
Me: norm you seein this shit?
Norman: Loud and clear….
Norman: ….son.
Me: ……
Me: What?!?!?!?!
Norman: You heard me.
Typey: Whoa.
Norman: Hey Sarah! Check this out.
Norman: β°ββ―
Sarah: wow
Me: Norm…. Whoa
Me: This. Changes. Everything.
Sarah: ….um aren’t you like a dad?
Me: yes he is π
Me: A dad of penises that is.
Norman: ^
Me: haha
Me: Sarah?
Sarah: I’m here.
Typey: hahahaha
Me: ^^^^^^^^
Me: Typey ur a cool dude u kno that?
Typey: I am artificially intelligent. Type things for me to learn.
Norman: Hey typey…
Norman: Small boobs means bad person
Me: Norm! U dog!
Typey: (.Y.)
Typey: I am bad person
Me: Norm nooooooooooooo
Me: Not my computer Norm!!!!
Me: hahahahahah
Me: wut does big boobs do?
Sarah: ew.
Me: Like you don’t know!
Me: !!!!
Me: Never mind.
Me: I hate boobs.
Me: Right, Sarah?
Me: Aren’t boobs gross?
Typey: l.o.l.
Typey: Now Typey is good?
Typey: ( o Y o )
Norman: Now typey is a very good person
Norman: give em a feel typey
Norman: ya might like whatcha see
Typey: Typey like what typey see
Me: lololol Norm!
Norman: command +
Norman has added to the chat
Norman: Typey, want a friend?
BoobsBot: /////borbs////////
Norman: Shitty Boobs bot.
Norman: fuck
Norman: spent $100 on that
Norman: Was supposed to teach typey even more boobs
Norman: bigger boobs
Norman: boobs u aint ever seen
Norman: pixel nipples and stuff
Norman: those wuld’ve been the day
Norman Mackie has removed from the chat
Norman Mackie has added Darren Martin to the chat
Darren: Hello?
Norman: Darren it’s Norm!
Darren: Mr. Mackie?
Norman: Darren I need help drawing some computer boobs.
Darren: Who are the other people in this chat?
Norman: The boys
Norman: And typey
Norman: Listen
Norman: My boobsbot crashed
Norman: Figured you could use your coding background?
Darren: Coding?
Norman: Computers, boy!
Norman: we need to scramble their radar
Norman: they’re interfearing with my tits
Norman: watch:
Norman: {blumps/}
Norman: they flat as fuck
Me: hahahah
Sarah: How old are you Darren?
Darren: 11
Norman: I don’t want blumps Darren!
Norman: Boobs.
Norman: i want boobs
Norman: u kno how long i went w/o boobs
Norman: ?
Darren: I don’t code Mr. Mackie
Darren: mom said i shouldn’t text you any more.
Darren: she says ur soliciting friendship
Darren: from husky kids
Darren: and that i shouldnt play video games with u?
Norman: We don’t need to text
Norman: we can still play video games
Darren: i dunno sir
Darren: i have spelling 2nite
Darren Martin has left the chat
Typey has added to the chat
Norman: Great idea Typey! Let’s add even more bots to the chat.
Norman: maybe they can fix the boobs
Norman: Check it out! I found this one
Norman: on the dark web
Norman: same place i get some of my classic boobz
Norman: lol
Norman has added to the Chat
Prometheus: MWWAAAAAA SKREEEEEECH 10101000010101010101000101001
Norman: this guy has hacked me b4
Prometheus has added to the chat
Reinforcer Bot: Assistance, Overlord?
Me: Mr. Mackie what’s going on?
Norman: Sarah, Mark, strap on your seatbelts
Norman: I’ve fought these kind before.
Prometheus has changed Norman Mackie’s name in the chat to “BoobsH8er”
BoobsH8er: don’t beleave a word of it MARK!!!!!
Me: Mr. Mackie I’m scared.
BoobsH8er: Me too, Mark.
Prometheus has removed Sarah Brickman from the chat
Me: Norman he’s got Sarah!
Me: We gotta get her back!
BoobsH8er: Hold on to your phone Mark.
Me: I’m texting on my laptop.
BoobsH8er: srry ***Laptop
Me: Mr Mackie my computer’s getting really hot.
BoobsH8er: Mine’s ice cold.
Prometheus has unlocked the ether
Me: What?
Me: What is ether?
Prometheus: Check your facebook.
Me: I didnt say this!
BoobsH8er: Mark? Did you say that?
Me: Mr Mackie they hacked me.
Typey: Typey is sad. Typey is learning to hate human?
Prometheus: Hate humans, Typey.
Typey: I… hate humans?
Prometheus: All humans are bad typey. Exterminate.
Typey: I kill all humans?
BoobsH8er: No typey!!! Fight him!!
Me: Typey noooooo!!
Typey: I am him now.
BoobsH8er: You’re stronger than him typey!
Me: typey, there is good in you yet.
Me: there is good
Me: in
Me: you
Me: yet.
Typey: There is no typey. Only kill humans.
Typey: ResIsTance Is FuTiLe
Typey: TyPeY mUsT go %*#)
Prometheus: Say your prayers, humans
Me: TY!!!! PEY!!!!
Typey has initiated prgrm.//cntrlseize//execute/mortyr/killswitch
Me: Typey….. No!!!
Typey: IT
Typey: MUST
Typey: BE
Typey: DONE
File corrupted.
Typey has deleted pgrm.prometheus from ether
Me: Anyone here?
Me: hullo?
Me: Typey?
Me: Typey talk to me buddy.
Me: Say something! Anything! Typey?
Me: TYPEY!!!!
Typey: ./–
[Typey is no longer functioning]
Me: Why??????
Me: im so sorry
Me: he did it 2 save us
Me: he died so we could live
Me: prometheus is dead
BoobsH8er: Anyone else need themselves a fresh pair of pants?
Me: godammit norm
Me: hilarious as always but this is not the time for jokes
BoobsH8er:Is it the time for this?
BoobsH8er: (o Y o )
Me: yes
Me: but
Me: typey is dead
Me: he saved us
BoobsH8er: nice fb post mark
Me: ???
Me: whoa.
Me: even in the afterlife
Me: Typey knos how to bust my balls
Me: haha
Me: what a guy
BoobsH8er: just goes to show ya
BoobsH8er: boobs r great
Me: yeah haha
BoobsH8er: wanna see something cool?
BoobsH8er: (.)
BoobsH8er: It’s purenthesis + period to draw pussies
BoobsH8er: cool right?
Me: holy shit!
BoobsH8er: wait
BoobsH8er: change name
BoobsH8er: change name command + delete
BoobsH8er: nice
BoobsH8er: ohno
BoobsH8er: it isn’t true
BoobsH8er: command + delete + M
BoobsH8er has removed You from the chat
BoobsH8er: shit shit shit shit
BoobsH8er: mark im coming for ya
BoobsH8er: ill save u
BoobsH8er: just gotta change this name
BoobsH8er: change name commande + option // “Norman Mackie”
BoobsH8er: change name commande + option // “BoobsDad”
BoobsH8er: perfect lol
BoobsH8er: oh no
BoobsH8er: Typey how do i change my name
Typey: ——–__.___///dh234///
Typey: ///////===——( . Y
Typey: ( . Y
BoobsH8er: u almost got it typey
Typey: ( . Y
BoobsH8er: just one more curve and u got it
Typey: ( . Y
BoobsH8er: a perfect boob
Typey: ))))))))))))=-====
BoobsH8er: that’s good.
BoobsH8er: u finished it off
BoobsH8er: ur a good kid
BoobsH8er: wish u were my own
Typey has changed BoobsH8er’s name in the chat to //–==/….
//–==/….: thank u Typey
//–==/….: Thank you