As seen in: Seasons of Life
Glad I’ve got someone interested in buying Tuxedo. My father died in this tuxedo, and then it was regifted to me one Christmas as a kid. She’s been a second skin to me, and she’ll be with you for a while.
In this tux, I’ve fought two wars and been discharged as many times. These stains here? German blood, with a little Irish from my mom’s side. Turns out I bleed a lot, and the fabric isn’t great for stopping bullets. But it is good for starting conversations. Private, why are you wearing a tuxedo? Right back at ya, sarge.
Don’t worry, the bow tie is included with the tux. Wearing a tux without a bow tie would be like showering without a tux.
Wore this tux when I got married and wore it when I got divorced. She wanted to get her hands on this tux, but a lot of people want a lot of things. Enjoy the tux-less house and kids, Kathleen.
Sure, I’d love to not sell this tux. But I trust all the doctors telling me this is the right thing to do for my emotional and physical state. I just want to make sure she’s on good shoulders.
As with any well-worn item of clothing, she’ll keep you surprised — I’m always finding new pockets, new holes for my head, and new sleeves. Every day I look at Tuxedo and think: who rescued who?