As seen in: Upside Up #
Contestant #1: I’d like to solve the puzzle:
Host: Go right ahead.
Contestant #1: “I’d like to buy a vowel.”
Host: Ohhh unfortunately you can’t solve the puzzle and buy a vowel on the same turn.
Contestant #2: I want to solve the puzzle.
Host: Yes…
Contestant #2: “I’d like to buy a vowel.”
Host: Again, you can’t. Contestant #3, for the win?
Contestant #3: I’d like to buy a vowel.
Host: Correct, congratu-- hold on. My producers are telling me that you have to indicate that you’re solving the puzzle before you answer. Contestant #1, back to you.
Contestant #1: Please sir, it’s been days. My family must be getting worried.
Host: One second there Contestant #1, it seems like we’re headed to a commercial.