Artwork: ghost

Waxing Thoughts

Author: YMC '21-'22
As seen in: The Mental Health Issue #

“I understand your pain. I’ve gone through the same thing”:
– the woman waxing my vagina raw right now

“I understand your pain. I’ve gone through the same thing”:
– someone about to interrupt my mental health rant to give me their mental health rant

“Ugh stop”:
– me to the person about to interrupt my mental health rant

“Ugh stop”:
– my mental health rant to my existence

“Ugh stop”:
– me to the woman waxing my vagina raw right now in my wildest dreams

My wildest dreams:
– “Hey, it’s Mental Health Rant. I have been defeated by the return of your innate childhood joy, goodbye”

My wildest dreams:
– “I understand your pain. I've gone through the same thing.” – my past self to my self from the even further past without the involvement of my current or future selves at all

My mental health rant”
– my vagina, feeling silenced

My mental health rant”
– the hair ripped from my vagina, gone forever

“I understand your pain. I’ve gone through the same thing.”
– my innate childhood joy to the hair ripped from my vagina, gone forever

My waxed-raw vagina, to my childhood joy: “Ugh stop”