Artwork: ADMIN


Author: ASB '17
As seen in: Flesh & Blood #

– Looks like your baby came out of the eugenics machine beautifully.

– Doctor, that is a white, blonde, blue eyed baby. How could it possibly be mine?

– That’s what the instructions said. Was that not in your order?

– No! That doesn’t make any sense. Why would I ask for that?

– I don’t know! I just assumed you wanted… you know…

– Excuse me?

– Oh my god, I really messed up. Does this make me racist?

– Yes it makes you super racist!

– Jesus, I’m so sorry. I don’t even know what to do with this baby now.

– …Does it still bounce?

– It is the bounciest baby we have ever made.

– Why don’t I go ahead and take that baby then.

– Really?

– But that doesn’t mean I don’t think this whole situation is super fucked up!

– Of course, of course. My apologies again. I think I’ve learned an important lesson today.

– Cool. If anyone needs us, we’ll be on the roof.