What's New: The Proper Bostonians #

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SMR '25   •   September 2022
Rick, 40 I’d better contribute something before anyone gets suspicious. “Let’s s…

JKF '25   •   September 2022
“Let’s start this interview with a simple question. Van, in just a few sentences, how d…

Issue Editor:
Art Editor:
Publication: September 2022

What is to be done about the crisis of The Harvard Lampoon? Can anything stop a magazine’s knees from bending under the weight of its own greatness? And where can I find the lowest prices on gr…

EB '24   •   September 2022
In 2005, Kyle MacDonald successfully traded up from a paperclip to a house.   – Starti…

Porn Search
JEC '21   •  
Hi, you’ve reached automated support for XXXSickCh!cks.com, the #1 site for GIFs, videos, a…

RYSL   •   September 2022
Ladies and gentlemen, tonight I have the honor of performing the annual orphan monologue for this y…


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